Transport goods from one place to another around the world either by air, sea and land is very risky, and often there is damage or loss during the trip, you need insurance olehkarenanya carriage of goods (marine cargo insurance) Additional collateral a marine cargo clause (guarantees one) generally provide additional jamian for: 1. guarantee from warehouse to warehouse (warehouse to warehouse) 2. guarantee loading and unloading (loading and unloading risks) 3. guarantee general average losses and general average contributions 4. guarantee war, strikes, riots, and turmoil (war, strikes, riots and civil commotions) 5. guarantee theft, squirrels jumping and not sent (theft, pilferage and non-delivery) Exceptions Cargo insurance (marine cargo insurance) does not guarantee: · Natural leakage, reduced weight or volume of a normal or reasonable wear and tear · Delay, and loss of profits · Wrappers or less appropriate preparation or lack of adequate · Mechanical damage or electrical damag...