The Importance of Insurance For The Family Finances

Indonesian society in general still do not make insurance one needs for the survival of family life. Therefore we try to provide commentary about the importance of insurance for the family finances, both short and long term. For example, life insurance (life insurance).

Life Insurance
Briefly life insurance is the provision of funds to protect or maintain the continuity of the family life of a loved one. If you are still naked and not married then it might be better if you buy health insurance (if there is no benefit from the company). Or maybe you can buy insurance for kristis diseases or so-called critical illness insurance. With this insurance, if you are diagnosed, then you will get the money at once or before Sump, which can be used to fulfill your daily needs.

Determining Insurance
If you need life insurance for terntentu purposes, such investments for maintaining the child's education costs, the calculation of the amount required sum assured becomes easier, at least 6 times you prepare from your gross income or 10 times net income. This value may be enough for some families but may also be low for some others.

Deposit Insurance
Term life can be taken every year and extended in the next year or you can buy it for a period that you specify for example 5 years, 10 years, even 20 years. When you purchase an annual term insurance, annual premium costs will always rise. Because the insurance premiums to see your mortality probalitas will further increase with age. Whereas if you buy term insurance 10 year term, then the insurance company will calculate the average premium cost or flat for a period of 10 years.

As long as you pay the premium every month, your insurance protection will continue to apply. Meanwhile, if you fail to pay the annual premium, your insurance protection will be exhausted by the time limit (grace period) is very short-one months. This insurance has no cash value. That is, if you meningal world at the specified grace period, then your family will receive the full sum assured.

When are Buying Insurance
Some people ask, what about the insurance products that provide cash value? Like the unit-link. Where you can select the types of investments that match what you want. Should I buy this type of insurance or insurance buy term and invest the rest?

When you compare these two things, buy term insurance and invest the rest will give better results if you consciously continue to invest. If you fail or postpone investment because of certain things, the results obtained it is not maybe a little more cash than the value given by the unit-linked products.

If you include the difficult to set aside funds to invest regularly every month, product unit-linked insurance can be an alternative. This product provides the benefits of this type of investment that we can select and protection be with him. By purchasing this product, every year (if you pay premiums every year) you'll be charged the same amount of premiums, in which some will be invested (the longer the greater portion of investment compared with protection) and others-cost protection and other administrative costs.


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