Think Insurance Educators Children From Now

how to set up education funds Given the increasingly expensive cost of education, then the installments of menyiasatinya with a solution right now is the most reasonable and logical. Because of that, put together a program early education for children too, always encouraged the experts, both financial and educational experts.

Child's academic success, I can not help it supported the availability of materials. Scholarship, if any, is not necessarily sufficient. Not to mention the requirements can be quite difficult. The consequence of being a parent is thinking about issues including children's education. Wherever you choose, the school in national plus school or general international full facilities and great cost, or a public school may be more economical, but costs still must be available.

Not just for tuition and books, other excesses of the starting bersekolahnya child should have taken into account, such as transportation costs, costs of schooling to go through it (if you must eat lunch in the street when the distance of the home and school far enough away, or if the school lasted longer ), cost-tutoring lessons that may be followed by children, to other costs such as having a birthday party or buy a birthday gift for a friend's birthday at school. If these things or have new thinking is needed immediately, of course, was very large expenditures, and many parents run helter-skelter to find the cost in a short time.

Therefore, investing in education of children, actually had absolutely think the parents of modern life like now. Start with simple things to big things. This could think of now.

1. Looking for information on where the child will attend school one day, and choose a school that is not too far from home so you can more easily monitor, and the child was not so tired on the road. Remember, this years jam was happening everywhere, especially in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Looking for a house near the school is a healthy alternative and logical.
2. After knowing how much roughly it cost to school children there, begin to calculate costs. Calculate also inflation, which means that if your baby is still old and the new year will be another three years of school, tuition will rise now. Many people calculate the inflation rate of 6-10% each year. From here, you can guess what the amount of money for needed school.
3. Educational investments can be done in various ways, usually in the form of savings and insurance. Find the most suitable investments with the ability and character or pattern of your finances.
4. If your need is so great that there was no funds to invest, you should recalculate the household balance sheet or budget. See section which can be saved. For example, if every day you usually have lunch at the office, could be reduced expenses if you bring lunch from home? The experience of the successful people are simply saved in frugality, which stop the unnecessary expenditure-need so.
5. Customize your choice of investment products with the desired educational goals. We have had a lot of banks that offer savings programs or educational investment. Try asking the details to them. Usually, there are calculations and illustrations of how the funds must be spent every month or every year, and the umpteenth year, the funds are to be numbered and can be taken so or not.
6. Find other investment products that are not strictly conservative, such as savings. If possible, take the product returns are greater than the assumed rate of inflation.



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