Eternal Problem of Financial Crisis Is a Fiscal

In addition to foreclosure, one of the eternal problems of the financial crisis is a fiscal problem that many states of the magazine has a good story today on the budget cut snowfall. And during the weekend, a study by the National Governors Association found that the state's economy is likely to continue to deteriorate.

Just a sign of how bad the financial situation is: More than half of all state unemployment fund is now in the red. Participants in the latest financial Snafu is Massachusetts, which may have to borrow up to $ 1 billion the federal government to continue paying benefits.

ProPublica has many statistics and graphs in cold after problem. States can borrow the money they need to support the funding of the FBI at the moment. ProPublica is to show that states will eventually have to return the money, probably with interest (interest-free loan for a while), and will be a financial burden on the state.

But there are bigger lessons to be learned here: The government is very bad at the price of insurance. Not only is unemployment insurance. Banks in the bottom of FDIC insurance money. A few months ago, I wrote a story to cover up the time on the poor performance of the 401 (k) plan. Some people attacked the story said that the government would do a worse job running the retirement program of the company. I agree, that's why it's not what I propose. Instead, what I suggest is that individuals be given a mandate to purchase insurance retirement insurance company to implement the change, similar to that Lloyd's of London or the health of many proposals at that time. Share the cost of pension insurance for more than a million people, not just those in the job and saving for retirement costs decline and the amount of each of us in our golden years that are on the rise .

I think the same proposal that would be good for improving unemployment insurance. States clearly did not do a good job. As the report ProPublic

States, DC, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to operate a system of unemployment insurance separately with little federal oversight. They were given wide freedom to set taxes and benefits, and while some entered the recession with a lot of reserves, most have far less than the value of 18 months recommended by the Department of Labor. Similarly, rates of return ranging from the generosity of the bare bones.

The problem with the government's plan to manage the insurance business is always in good condition, they were forced by political pressure to collect them. In the 2000s, not even collect the FDIC insurance rates. And now it seems the country is not clear enough to fill a good unemployment insurance. Massachusetts entered the recession, with only 5 months of reserves.

Private insurance may cover, and a low price as well as bankruptcy, but they tend to do so than politicians. Yes, insurance companies charge more for private unemployment insurance. But it need not cost much more. With the privatization of the market and allow insurance companies to compete statewide, a larger pool that people tend to reduce the cost of paying benefits to the unemployed. Low unemployment rates in North Dakota could offset the cost of rising unemployment in Michigan. Also remove the burden of a large budget for the state at the time when they most need help.


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