Car Insurance

There was carelessness on me for car insurance, I forgot to renew the insurance policy. As a result, my car had to re-alias surveyed re photographed, but many are not baretan I claim.

When I delivered this insurance does not want to know, the procedure must be repeated surveys and they just want a smooth car aka neat. Surely it with my car situation like this no one would accept that the ends have caught would claim.

I would not want to fix that ends before the additional expenditure. Well, even should spend money to repair old remains better than that they would not accept insurance. With state of the chaotic city of Jakarta, low discipline, crime, will bear the risk of greater cost than I spend to repair the car and then of course for insurance again.

Lessons I learned from this negligence:
There's money, dear father 39th

1. Should remember the next payment due date
2. Damage claims immediately before the expiration of the insurance (if jaga2 fixed point no.1 forget)

And my input to that do not have insurance, either for vehicles, homes, life insurance more:

Pay for something you can though you may not receive the benefit, because the more bitter can not afford a problem that we can not avoid.


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