Just Travel Insurance Options

* Coverage area of travel. Is travel only ASEAN regional level, Asia or Worldwide. To travel the world level is also seen whether including non-USA or USA. This will affect the pricing policy for health services in the USA is very expensive.

* Style is how the roads used. Are backpacker or first class. There paket2 backpacker insurance with the theme of the cost and have a longer duration. Unfortunately for Indonesia backpacker insurance is not too famous.

* Consider whether to insure your luggage. Do bring barang2 valuable or just traveling light. For the professional photographer has its own insurance for the camera and alat2. Passport and money is also worth noting. However, jewelry and money there kes batasan2 usually does not include the high value.

* The length of travel time. The price of insurance depends on the duration or length of trip. In some maximum terms are 21 days and then calculated per week.

* What activities will dilakoni during road. For sports adventures, travel packages regular insurance will not cover. Notice that sports policy is still in scope. For trekking above 3500mdpl sometimes suda including ektrem. Bungy jumping or sports is also sometimes trill seekers out of terms

* The need for personal and family health. Would need a constant supply obat2an. Are there any allergies to any medications? Is there a possibility of falling ill on his way.

* Consider the possibility of travel insurance package which covers cancellation or delay, especially if all activities are booked well in advance.


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