Differences Insurance Education, Education Investment, Savings By Syariah

Insurance Education

1. Children receive education stages with the covenant agreement sesaui During perjajiannya

2. There is compensation for the heirs in case of risk, and cost of child education is still an agreement during dicover (free Premium)

3. Insurance education is provided for the protection of children in the event of a risk with his parents.

4. Tabarru funds paid during the term of the contract remained.

5. Akad Mudorobah)

Investment Education

1. New money can be taken after the due date based on existing balances. (keeping track of investments)

2. Premium payment by the company followed in the event of risk (taken from the fund)

3. Education investment is saving for a child to dipersiapakan future children.

4. Tabarru funds paid in accordance with its investment tigkat development.

5. Hujroh bil Akadnya Wakalah

Education Savings

1. Term of the contract in accordance with needs. (free choice of the agreement).

2. Adjusted insurance payments how long we followed the education savings

3. Premium payment by the company followed in case of insurance risks with participants drawn from santunannya funds.

Thus an explanation of differences Insurance Education, Education and Savings Investment Education sharia managed.


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